Absolutely Augmented Reality, 2018, Archival pigment print
8 1/2 Anti-Social Masks for Instagram
Kuzma Vostrikov & Ajuan Song
208 East, 73rd Street, New York City
June 25 – July 1, 2019
Opening reception: Tuesday, June 25th, 6-9pm
Orange Art Projects is pleased to present “8 1/2 Anti-Social Masks for Instagram”, an exhibition by Kuzma Vostrikov and Ajuan Song, featuring selections from their upcoming series Absolutely Augmented Reality, situating human bodies in elaborately constructed sets that envision the elusiveness of illusions.
Absolutely Augmented Reality collects postcards from dreams, registering the penumbra of fleeting moments. Individually, each photograph suggests a narrative that declines resolution; collectively, the series evades the comfort of clarity in favor of the mysteries of ambiguity. The storytellers are uncertain guides, leaving breadcrumbs along multiple pathways, some as definitive as a punchline, others as elusive as a mirage.
Our immersion in visual media creates a confidence of sophistication that waylays the theatrical tradition of suspended belief. What if, these storytellers ask, you’ll believe anything you see? What if you understand falsehood as truth, or truth as falsehood? Don’t believe us, they implore, even as they insist that what you see is no mere trick. It is everything you see. It is nothing you see.
'8 1/2 Anti-Social Masks for Instagram' will be on view at 208 East 73rd Street, New York, through July 1st. The Gallery is open Tuesday through Sunday, 12-6pm and by private appointment.
For additional information or sales inquiries, please contact: info@orangeart.org.
For press materials, please contact: Nathalie Levey, Color Brigade Media, nathalie@colorbrigademedia.com
Click here to download the press release
Images for a New Age: An Interview with Kuzma Vostrikov and Ajuan Song, White Hot Magazine, June 2019
The Newest Exhibition Decimating Our Digital Facades: Here are 10 Questions With Kuzma Vostrikov and Ajuan Song, Hunger TV Magazine, June 2019
Absolutely Augmented Reality | "8 1/2 Anti-Social Masks for Instagram", Flaunt Magazine, June 2019
8 1/2 Anti-Social Masks for Instagram, Kuzma Vostrikov and Ajuan Song, L’Œil de la Photographie, June 2019
8 1/2 Anti-Social Masks for Instagram, Kuzma Vostrikov and Ajuan Song, Art Reveal Magazine, June 2019
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